
Liturgy of the Word for Children

“And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD;
and great shall be the peace of thy children.”

          --Isaiah 54:13


The Liturgy of the Word Children’s Program seeks to reach the hearts and minds of our littlest parishioners by offering a weekly opportunity for children to learn the Gospel on their own level at the Sunday 10:00 am Family Mass. An amazing community of adult volunteers share a child-tailored version of the week's Gospel and facilitate an engaging Gospel-related learning experience. Children from the older group are often called upon to serve as gift bearers; children from the younger group often assist as collection basket bearers. The Liturgy of the Word Children’s Program is an integral part of the St. Gabriel Christian Formation and Education Commission.


If you have a child in preschool through second grade, we invite them to join us! There is no sign‐up required or cost for children to attend. Simply meet by the baptismal font when the children are called up during Mass.

Please see the list of our current Liturgy Leaders below.  We thank them for sharing their time and talent to make this program possible!


Kim Beardslee Julie Iovaldi Christina Shekell
Jenny Betz Inge King Jeff Snograss
Kathy Hahnel Margaret Lake Melissa Snograss
Annie Harper Michelle Mueller Eve Wiseman
Erin Hausmann Nicole Schmidt  

Jenny Betz (chair)    314-324-8626   E-mail Jenny