Devotion Times
Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament
The Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament is held every Tuesday. Exposition begins after the 8:00 am Mass with Perpetual Help Devotions and ends with Reposition and Benediction at 9:00 pm.
Divine Mercy Chaplet
The Divine Mercy Chaplet in song is prayed at 9:00 pm each Tuesday in the church. The chaplet is recited on a rosary using different prayers written by St. Maria Faustina Kowalska. The service takes about 25 minutes. Please consider offering up your special intention by joining in this simple, beautiful prayer any Tuesday evening.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions
Devotions take place each Tuesday after the 8:00 am Mass.
Perpetual Adoration Society
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asked his Apostles if they could pray with him for only an hour. He asks the same of us today. Please consider spending time in Adoration. Our church is open daily for Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament from 5:00 am until 9:00 pm. In addition, adorers can come to Church during the overnight hours from 9:00 pm until 5:00 am after the Church is locked, however because of security reasons, one must sign up in ADVANCE for a specific time of adoration and to obtain the code for the side portico door. Please contact parishioner, Paul Christman, or (c) 314.570.5347.
Nightly Rosary
A Nightly Rosary for the Sick (and for related intentions) is said at 6:30 pm Monday through Friday and Saturday at 4:30pm. You are invited to join us at any time.
Thursday Night Rosary
The Rosary is prayed every Thursday night at 9:30 pm outside the church under the covered portion of the driveway. Most nights there are 15- 25 persons (mostly men) praying. Fathers sometimes attend with sons and daughters. Frequently, after the Rosary those who can, gather at the house of one of the Rosary pray-ers for refreshments and fellowship. Everyone is welcome and invited. It usually takes about 25 minutes to complete the Rosary. Depending on the weather, many people stay for a few minutes for fellowship. We always pray outside, so dress accordingly.
Vespers (Evening Prayer)
Vespers are prayed every Sunday at 5:00 pm. Printed copies of the prayers are available in church or you can use the iBreviary app to pray. Please join us each Sunday as we lift our voices to praise God in union with Christians around the world.
Catholic Radio
Preset your radio to AM 1080 WRYT, CatholicRadio. Tune in to daily Holy Mass, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and the Rosary. Plus programs such as, Catholic Answers Live, Open Line, St. Louis Faith Journeys, and more. For a program schedule and a free CD, call (314) 752-7000 or toll free at -877-305-1234.