Hello, St. Gabriel Families with Grade and High School Students,
We are announcing the return of Totus Tuus this Summer. The dates are July 5-9, 2021. This includes Confessions, Mass, and Adoration as well as learning about the faith and snacks.
The day program is for students who are entering into First through Sixth Grades. The evening program is for those entering Seventh through Twelfth Grades. The day program starts at 9:00am and ends at 3:00pm. They will meet in the school classrooms and use the school facilities. The evening program starts at 7:30pm and ends at 9:45pm and will utilize the Gabriel House.
We also need adult volunteers to monitor the classrooms and help with meals for the day program. We are in need of volunteers to provide lunch for the four missionaries during the day program and additional volunteers to host them for dinner. We are also in need of volunteers to be “host families” where the missionaries can sleep for the night. Host families will provide a light breakfast for the missionaries, as well.
Cost for the week is $40 for the first child; $50 for the 2nd Child and 3+ children $60. Any additional child after 3 is free. Here is the link for the registration form: Totus Tuus Registration
Please email Fr. Mark using the address below or mail (or bring it to the rectory) at 6303 Nottingham Ave, St. Louis, MO., 63109.
If interested or if there are any questions, please contact Fr. Mark Madden at 314-353-6303x123 or email at maddenm@stgabrielstl.org. God Bless