
Parish News

A Note from Fr. Molini

Posted on October 03, 2024 in: Parish-wide Announcements

A Note from Fr. Molini

Picnic Weekend

Thanks to the many volunteers and parishioners who contributed time, effort and sweat to prepare for our parish picnic.  I marvel at the scope and size of the picnic---really, I think it’s the largest parish picnic I’ve seen.  It is an indication of the pride and enthusiasm held for St. Gabriel’s and the support we find from so many who participate.  Thanks to all!

October and the Rosary

For some time, the month of October has been a time to consider the powerful tool of the Rosary, interceding the Blessed Mother to “pray for us” before her Beloved Son.  In a world where so many tasks are mundane and repetitive, it is a great comfort to use the gentle repetition of the prayers of the Rosary to focus our attention on the Mysteries of our Salvation.  From the youngest child to a senior citizen, the Rosary reminds us that God remains accessible to us all.  In times of struggle, it brings soothing comfort.  In times of conflict, peacefulness.  Whether prayed alone or with others, it unites us as people of faith, trusting in the loving compassion of our Mother Mary who directs us always to her Son.   Consider picking up your Rosary this month, especially if it has been a while.  Allow the embrace of prayer to lift your heart to Jesus and renew this relationship of love.


The “Order of Christian Initiation of Adults” is the process we follow to help adults interested in the Catholic Faith learn about our community and beliefs and, if they desire, become members of the Catholic Church.  Our program began in September with several adults who continue to meet each Sunday for prayer, reflection, and formation.  Please pray for them on this journey of faith.  Also, if you, or someone you know, would like to join this group, please contact Fr. Lawson soon ( ).

Capital Campaign update

During September, we held a number of small gatherings to discuss our plans and prepare the team for the general phase of our campaign.  The plan is to open the public phase of the campaign on the last weekend of October.  Plans will be shared, “Town Hall” meetings will be scheduled and all will be invited to participate in this next phase of parish development.  Keep praying for the success of our efforts.