In September of 2010, St. Gabriel formed a stewardship committee named We Are St. Gabriel as part of the Administration and Finance Commission. This group was formed to enhance our parishioners’ Prayer, Participation, and Generosity, all for the glory of God.
- Prayer: As a unified Church family in Christ, we will pray for each other and with each other. We are blessed that our Church offers so many opportunities to pray together: at Mass, during group activities such as Rosaries, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and at retreats.
- Participation: As a unified Church family in Christ, we participate together in many different ways through opportunities made available through our parish. We serve at Mass. We volunteer to help the sick and unfortunate, we build homes for the needy, we collect food for the hungry, and we stand together for the unborn. We play sports together, we sing together, we play music for the glory of our almighty God. We attend prayer groups and Bible studies together. We volunteer to lead, teach, and coach our school children. We have fun together at our parish picnic, our golf tournament, our musicals, our band concerts, our fish fries, and our impromptu get-togethers. We raise our children together and we raise up each other. We grow together in our faith.
- Generosity: "Thank you, Father, for all your blessings. Lord, what do you want me to do with the gifts you have given me?" We could never repay God for all that he has blessed us with. But when you ask God the question of what it is that he wants you do to with the gifts he has given you, listen to his answer. He will speak to you in the stillness of your heart. As a unified, prayerful, and supportive Church family in Christ, we must support our family with our financial gifts. Everything we have is from God and we should freely share these gifts with our parish to build our community and His kingdom.
Once one chooses to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, stewardship is not an option. As for our house at St. Gabriel, through prayer, participation and generosity, we will serve the Lord.
Committee Members
Msgr. John Shamleffer, Pastor
Denny Heinze, Chair
Lynda Savio
Paul Sharkey
Barb Thibodeau