
Directory of Ministries and Organizations

“A joyful heart is the health of the body.”
--Proverbs 17:22

In the Spirit of Christ, who desires fullness of life for each person, the Parish Nurse works to help parishioners optimize their physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being.

Parish Nurse Duties

The goal of the Parish Nurse is to help parishioners achieve a balance in their physical, spiritual, emotional and social well-being.  This is accomplished through the promotion of wellness and the prevention of illness.  A Parish Nurse may act as a Health Educator, Counselor, Referral Agent, Facilitator and Advocate.  Unlike a Visiting Nurse, the Parish Nurse does not provide "hands on nursing." 

The nurse is routinely in the Parish Office Monday through Friday, 4 to 6 pm, and Saturdays 8:30am to 12pm. It is best to call the office ahead of time to make sure Judy will be there when you visit.

Services of the Parish Nurse:

  • Assess the need for assistance from other parish or community organizations and make appropriate referrals.
  • Promote better understanding and use of medical resources.
  • Act as a liaison, when needed, between parishioners and their health care providers.
  • Coordinate “Friends in Faith” Program, which links homebound and senior parishioners with students at St. Gabriel the Archangel School.
  • Coordinate Lunch and Learn Programs.
  • Coordinate Flu vaccine clinic
  • Provide vision and hearing screening for the parish school

Call the Parish Nurse when:

  • You would like to talk about a health issue.
  • You would like someone to check your blood pressure.
  • You need help to understand your doctor’s instructions.
  • You are concerned about an elderly parent’s living situation.
  • You need help finding a residential care facility.
  • You need help finding home health care.
  • You would like to participate in a grief or other support group.
  • You have a physical or spiritual health concern, and need a listening ear.

Disability Advocate

The Disability Advocate raises awareness in the parish about people with disabilities and works for full inclusion within the parish by breaking down barriers of physical structure and personal attitudes.  The Disability Advocate acts as a liaison between St. Gabriel Parish and the Archdiocesan Office of Disability Ministries.

  • Accessibility to parish facilities include:
  • The disabled entrance on the northwest corner of the Church.
  • Disabled parking spaces outside this door and in the schoolyard.
  • All bathrooms are wheelchair accessible.
  • A wheelchair is available for use in the closet opposite the Cry Room.
  • Assisted hearing devices are available in Church. You may obtain them in the Sacristy.
  • A stair glide at the parking lot entrance provides accessibility to the gym.
  • The school has an elevator, which make all the floors accessible.

Cancer Support Group

What we believe about cancer…
Cancer doesn’t get to swallow your days and your nights.
It doesn’t get to put stress in your life or plague you with fear.
It doesn’t get to come between you and your loved ones and it doesn’t get to
come between you and your God.

We believe that cancer does not get to be more important than the most important things in your life. The most important things in your life are the things you can use to push the cancer back so you can breathe again.
•We reach out to anyone in treatment, post- treatment, or their loved ones
•We provide Christian cancer group support
•We furnish local cancer resource guide

Our St Gabriel Cancer Companion Support Group meets monthly, please call the rectory for more information. Parish Nurse - Judy Hunter 353-6303

Link to:


Judy Hunter

 314-353-6303 x125