
SGAA Final 4 Fundraiser

Join us for the St. Gabriel Athletic Association’s Annual 
“Final 4 Fundraiser - Saturday Party”
Dinner, Drinks and 28 Ways to Win!


WHEN:     2022 Date- TBD

WHERE:  St. Gabriel Cafeteria


  • Download and fill out the bottom of the SGAA Final 4 form.  Submit the form with your $100.00 cash or check (made out to SGAA) to Steve Bettag  5726 Winona Ave. St. Louis, MO 63109
  • You can purchase additional Brackets for $20.00 each.
  • You can purchase an additional dinner for $35.00. This includes drinks.

Entry Deadline:   Thursday March 19, 2020 - 9:00 am


  • Go to click on “Join a Pool.” Note: If you played last year, click on the Login button and enter your username and password. Then, confirm you want to play again this year.
  • Enter Pool ID:  86913  and  Join Password:  Gabesbball.
  • Select “I would like to create a NEW username and password”
  • Select the number of brackets that you want to enter and then you are ready.
  • You may setup your account anytime, however you won’t be able to enter your picks until after “Selection Sunday” March 15, 2020.
  • FYI - We aren’t worried about the play in games on March 17 or 18.
  • You can monitor your picks throughout the tournament via the above website.

For additional information or Questions:

Contact Steve Bettag @ (314) 401-5410 or Matt Luzecky @ (314) 210-9119