
Becoming a Catholic

Becoming a Catholic is one of the most profound and joyous experiences of life. Some are blessed enough to receive this great gift while they are still infants, and over the course of time they grow into a recognition of the enormous grace that has been bestowed upon them, of the dignity and wonder of their identity as Catholics. Others come into the Catholic fold while they are older children or adults. In these cases it is important for people to have a grasp of the joyful process by which one becomes a Catholic.

Each September we begin the process with men and women who are inquiring about the Catholic Faith.   RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the program through which adults enter into the Catholic faith. RCIA is a spiritual journey designed in phases and implemented through various rites. The participants' spiritual growth is encouraged and enhanced through weekly reflection on God's Word and the teachings of Catholic doctrine and traditions. 

If you know someone who might be interested in joining the Church, be that family member, fellow worker, or neighbor, please contact the parish office (314.353.6303) or email with their name and phone number.  Our parishioners are always the best evangelists.  Your faith and how you live it will speak volumes to those around you.

Let us pray for those who are contemplating joining the Catholic faith and encourage them through our words, actions and prayers. 

God bless you for sharing your faith!

       Msgr. John Shamleffer