

Create a personal and/or family acknowledgement memorial in honor of all that St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish and School have meant to you, while creating a legacy of success for generations to come. Sponsoring a naming opportunity for the Building Bright Futures campaign says you fully support St. Gabriel's ongoing mission to create Catholic disciples.


A handful of unsold memorials are still available and now at significantly reduced prices. Please view and fill out the forms below to select your memorial memorial naming opportunity.

Center for Innovative Learning - Click HERE

Welcome Center - Click HERE


The interior design of the Center for Innovative Learning will feature God’s Seven Days of Creation throughout the building, in murals and works of art illustrating God’s grand design of our world. God's creative masterpiece will inspire our students to create, to collaborate, and to make great things in the beautiful new educational spaces. 

In each of seven areas of the building, there will be a hallway mural and framed artwork in the classroom, featuring Day One through Day Seven of God’s Creation Story. With this inspirational art, there are 14 different Memorial opportunities,with prices ranging from $10,000-20,000.


To introduce visitors to this Creation theme in the Center for Innovative Learning, the entry hallway near the chapel will feature an elaborate and beautiful wall mural with artwork from all seven days. This Creation Story Mural is also available as a memorial for $40,000. 

Please Note: 

  • All Naming / Memorial requests are subject to pledge card or Faith Direct completion, and are on a first-requested basis. We will be in touch to confirm your request.
  • Pooling of funds with family members, friends, and neighbors is welcomed
  • Visuals provided are for concept only and are subject to change.
  • New pledges are welcomed and required for reduced memorial pricing.
  • Complete your pledge online or via pledge card.