Welcome to St. Gabriel the Archangel, a Roman Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. As St. Gabriel was sent by God to Mary, we also have been chosen to proclaim the Good News to our community today. Our Mission is to bring all men & women together as people of God sharing the Bread of Life & living the Law of Love through service to all our neighbors. Like the first Christians, we also devote ourselves to:
- Instruction of the Apostles by reading Scripture, living the Gospel, & following the teachings of the bishop of Rome.
- The breaking of Bread through the celebration of the Eucharist & the Sacraments.
- Communal life as experienced through sharing our time & talents to build up the Body of Christ.
- Prayer to foster a personal relationship with God. We rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to "bring this good work to completion."